2020 Post-Quarantine Workplace Re-Entry Guide By The Bridges Networking Group

As businesses across every industry pivoted their operations to function in the time of COVID-19, many changes were implemented. Now, as the states start to open back up, these businesses need to settle into a new normal. 

If you’ve been following along with the Revelation Creative journey, you know our team always boasts about the power of networking. With stay-at-home mandates and social distancing measures, networking events could have come to a halt. Instead, thanks to the power of virtual meetings, we were able to maintain our networking efforts while navigating the current pandemic.

One question that kept coming up among our many networking groups was “how do we re-enter the workplace post-quarantine?” Over the last few months, we’ve explored how to continue connecting with your audience during the pandemic as well as some marketing tips to help your business bounce back post-crash. As useful as this information was, and still is, it only gives you a marketing perspective.

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Revelation Creative teamed up with other members of the Bridges Networking Group, which is a group of trusted professionals who act as advisors, each with unique knowledge and experience in serving clients and prospects within various industries and companies of all sizes to create a guide that will help you navigate the new normal.

Our president, Gina Marie Mattei, offered up some of her knowledge as a marketing professional to round out the guide that includes insights from industry experts in several fields including the financial, construction and IT industries.

Here’s what Gina had to say about re-engaging with your customers post-quarantine.

Craft messaging with empathy and heart

  • Be sensitive to the struggles your customers have endured and are currently going through.
  • Infuse your marketing messages with enthusiasm, optimism and hope for the future.
  • Keep in mind how your marketing messages will make your audience feel. Lift their spirits.
  • Be remembered as a source of hope, inspiration and amazing energy.

Show Your Support for the Community and Focus on Their Enduring Spirit

  • Whether your community is local, online or global, show your love and support. Here are two compassionate and authentic approaches you can use when marketing in this manner.
    • Showcase your community’s enduring spirit. Remind them of their own power and resilience.
    • Highlight how you and your company are making an impact. Feature your own community involvement, charitable giving, and compassion. Show your customers you are ‘walking the walk’ in solidarity with them.

Add value during times of challenge

  • One message you should keep reinforcing: How your products and services add value to the lives of your customers.
  • Share resources, offer tips and strategies, provide inspiration and let clients know how you can help solve the problems they’re facing. These are the hallmarks of amazing, memorable marketing campaigns.
  • Goodwill and service go a long way. People will remember how you responded to the sensitivities that resonate most with them. Understand the struggles your customers are facing. Reassure them that you are here to help them move toward a brighter future.

Read the full guide created by the members of the Bridges Networking Group, click here

To get more ideas on how best to recalibrate your messaging and visuals to make the most impact on your audience in the post-quarantine work environment, visit our blog for helpful tips, tricks and tools! 
For help developing your new marketing strategy, creating custom graphic designs and crafting compelling content that gets to the core of what your customers value most, the Revelation Creative team is here to bring your vision to life! Contact us today!